Black Ink Crew spoilers: Kevin apologizes to Sky for sleeping with sperm donor but he doesnt mean

Sky from Black Ink Crew is still on a mission to get pregnant with her sperm donor Elliott. She found her future baby daddy in a gay bar and despite not having a sexual relationship with him at all, she doesn’t want her friends to either.

Everything went left at Sky and Elliott’s Goddess Party on the last episode, with the whole thing definitely over-the-top just like Sky — from the clam chair to her announcement that she would be using the “turkey baster method.”

Sky’s attempt to get pregnant was all very non-traditional. So who would have thought she’d mind if Elliott hooked up with one of her friends? Then again, maybe it was all about timing since Kevin and Elliott ruined Sky’s party plan.

The outlandish Black Ink Crew star was set to be inseminated at midnight as everyone partied. Sky even told Elliott to go ahead and do his business in Ceaser’s office, something that the Black Ink boss wasn’t very happy about.

As the clock neared midnight, Sky couldn’t find Elliott, who still hadn’t delivered on his part of the bargain. Eventually, she found Elliott and Kevin getting it on in the bathroom, prompting Sky to scream at Kevin, telling him that he’s fired. Of course, Sky doesn’t really have the authority to fire him, something Kevin was quick to remind her.

That was the end of the Black Ink Crew episode but there will be plenty more drama between Kevin and Sky over the hookup. A new sneak peek from VH1 shows Sky in Miami as she tries to get over her failed Goddess Party. She isn’t pleased at all when Ceaser and the rest of the crew show up.

After begging and pleading with Sky to let them stay, she finally agrees, but only after Ceaser agrees to buy her a lifetime membership to the Edible Arrangements club. Did she just land herself an endorsement deal with that plug or what?

Sky made sure that her unwelcome guests didn’t get the green light without laying down a few ground rules. The first being that no one has permission to use her butler while there. The second rule is that Kevin, the “sperm burglar”, has to stay “76-feet away” because she is still upset about the party and Kevin has not apologized for hooking up with her man.

As Sky gives her ultimatum, cameras pan to Kevin, who looks bored with the latest rant. Sky accuses him of crushing her space with his energy. It’s pretty clear that Kevin doesn’t really think Sky should even be mad and he made that clear while he was apologizing.

“I’m gonna say sorry because I know you’re mad,” Kevin told Sky. It’s the most unconvincing apology ever and Sky knows it, which is probably why she starts screaming about how Kevin needs to get 76-feet away from her, prompting the Black Ink Crew cast to leave her poolside by herself. Kevin then says he feels like Sky was just being extra in the confessional, questioning if Sky knows how sperm works.

Black Ink Crew airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on VH1.
