How to ward off the energy vampires sabotaging your aura

Have you ever responded to a situation by drawing on what you'd call your sixth sense, or intuition? Do you find that being around some people leaves you feeling drained, while the company of others lifts your mood? Have you ever said of someone, 'There was chemistry between us'?

If so, you've already experienced the power of your aura — the unseen field around everyone, the wholeness and health of which is the fundamental key to a happy and successful life.

Today I'm an energy healer, trained both in orthodox medicine and in energy healing. Over the past three decades, I've built up a celebrity following, written three bestselling books and have a lengthy waiting list at my practice in London's Notting Hill.

What do I tell my clients? Think of your aura as a unique net of energy that flows around and through us, influencing everything we feel and the very person we are.

Now imagine other kinds of energy — from people and places — interacting with your aura, and sometimes piercing and draining it.

If you've only just learnt how to sense your own aura, you may find it hard to believe you can also pick up on other people's ¿ but you absolutely can. Stock image used

If you've only just learnt how to sense your own aura, you may find it hard to believe you can also pick up on other people's — but you absolutely can. Stock image used

These are what I call toxic energy pathogens, and just as we wash our hands to get rid of germs, so we must learn good aura hygiene to keep our energy safe from harm.

Here, then, is my introduction to the art of protecting your aura — and boosting your energy and wellbeing!


Your aura might not yet be perceptible to you — but it is to me. As an energy healer, my extra-sensory gift enables me to 'read' a patient's aura and re-tune it. And I can teach you how to tap into your own energy field.

Try this simple exercise:

1 Rub your hands together, vigorously, for 10-15 seconds.

2 Now pull your hands away from each until they are about 10-15cm (4-6in) apart, and keep them there. At this point, many people sense their hands are 'holding' a ball full of a magnetic force, and they are surprised at how palpable it is.

3 You can intensify the sensation by moving your hands slightly towards and away from each other.

4 What is it you're feeling? It's your aura!


If you've only just learnt how to sense your own aura, you may find it hard to believe you can also pick up on other people's — but you absolutely can.

Think of it like being a mobile phone, which automatically tunes into other networks.

Every single one of us can sense the energy of those around us, which means we can all be influenced — for good and ill — by other people's auric energies.

If we're lucky, we have at least one friend who brightens a room the moment they walk in. But we know others who suck the energy right out of every encounter with them and leave us feeling flat as a pancake.

This doesn't only apply when emotions run high. Every little exchange — the niggles and arguments and crossed wires of an ordinary day — can pollute your aura with bad energy and leave you feeling empty, irritable or sluggish.

If we're lucky, we have at least one friend who brightens a room the moment they walk in. But we know others who suck the energy right out of every encounter with them and leave us feeling flat as a pancake. Stock image used

If we're lucky, we have at least one friend who brightens a room the moment they walk in. But we know others who suck the energy right out of every encounter with them and leave us feeling flat as a pancake. Stock image used


You might be surprised to hear that places, like people, have an aura — and bad energy lurks like a mould in the corner of a room.

It feeds off our arguments, dark thoughts, negative emotions and the bad vibes we bring home. The fact that most of us can't see this 'energy pollution' doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

The energy in your home has also inherited the energetic imprint of the previous owners — their personal energy and the energy of their lives. Often, without realising it, we're living in energetically filthy houses!

From my work, I know that sometimes just clearing the energy of our living space can bring very real positive change.

Think about things like the pictures in your home. Do you like what you see? Do they make you feel good? If there are paintings or photos on your walls that don't really appeal to you, or even make you feel slightly miserable each time you look at them, replace them with something more uplifting.

Even if you can't explain why a painting or photo makes you feel bad, it's enough that it does. Just take it down.

Take the same approach to the TV you watch. If it's relentlessly downbeat, like a soap opera or a police drama, consider whether it leaves you feeling anxious, annoyed or restless.

I'm not suggesting you should surround yourself with rosy, Pollyanna-like energy all the time, but that you need to be aware of the negative energy you allow into the house and the effect that it has on you.

Inject some sparkle…

For this exercise, choose a time when you won't be disturbed or interrupted.

1 Picture your home and see yourself entering the first room and standing in the middle of it. Take time to tune into the energy around you.

2 Now imagine putting your hand in your pocket and pulling out a handful of gold dust. Open your hand and blow the gold dust into the room.

You can become a physical part of this visualisation by actually puffing on your outstretched hand as you imagine blowing the gold dust into the room. It is sparkling and shimmering, and it completely fills the space. The inside of the room is now shimmering with gold dust.

3 Picture the gold dust filling every corner, every nook and cranny, and don't leave the room until this has happened.

4 When the room is completely full of gold dust, you can leave it and move on to the next one, where you repeat the entire process. Work around your home in this way until you have cleansed every single room.

If you have walk-in cupboards or wardrobes, cleanse these, too.

If you have a major row with your partner and you both feel real animosity towards each other, with no prospect of making up immediately, then try to sleep in separate rooms that night. Stock image used

If you have a major row with your partner and you both feel real animosity towards each other, with no prospect of making up immediately, then try to sleep in separate rooms that night. Stock image used


Trust your intuition

It's your first line of defence against energy sappers. When we enter a place with negative energy or establish a toxic connection, our intuition sends out a warning and sounds a protective alarm, often through our body or senses.

It might be goose pimples, butterflies in our stomach, nausea, cold shivers, a feeling that we must get up and run away, palpitations, daydream-like visions or general uneasiness. Have the confidence to trust these feelings.

Take a rest from a row

If you have a major row with your partner and you both feel real animosity towards each other, with no prospect of making up immediately, then try to sleep in separate rooms that night.

If you share a bed when you feel furious with one another, you'll damage each other's aura more than you have already and will sleep on what can be likened to a bed of energetic thorns.

Sometimes it's impossible to sleep separately, in which case, when in bed imagine there's an invisible curtain between you.

But make sure you remove the 'curtain' in the morning, as it's important to start the day with the chance of reconnection.

Don't attack yourself

A negative inner voice can be damaging. When we say things such as, 'I'll never be able to learn how to do that' or 'It's impossible', you deplete your energy. Use positive phrases such as 'I intend to…' or 'I'm determined to try…'

And don't joke about 'senior moments' or 'creaking bones' or 'having dementia'. See statements like these not as funny phrases, but as damaging and energy-altering self-chatter.


Sometimes the attacks on your aura are more noticeable. If you feel drained after spending time with a certain person, then it could be they're an energy vampire. It may be something you sense immediately, but it can also happen over a longer period of time.

Here are some of the most common energy vampires that you need to protect yourself — and your aura — from:

The Manipulator

This vampire can be very charming and charismatic, but watch out! They'll tell you they care about you, and they're always looking for ways to be useful. If you need a lift, you only have to ask. If you're having a bad time, they'll dash round to cheer you up. But then they'll become too involved in your life. They'll start to take over, looking for problems and telling you what to do about them.

The Manipulator is, for example, the 'caring' friend who really wants to create drama in your life by making you suspicious about your partner's motives or fidelity.

They could even be your boss — playing the game of being awestruck by your talents to manipulate you into doing lots of extra work for them.

The Paranoid Vampire

This person is oversensitive and always detects a hidden, and negative, meaning in situations. They take everything personally, can't trust anyone and believe we all have an agenda.

It's exhausting to be on the receiving end of the Paranoid Vampire's behaviour because they'll make you doubt and mistrust, too. That, of course, is exactly what they want, as they feed off your disturbed energy.

The Grey Mouse

When you first meet a Grey Mouse, you never imagine that this meek and mild person is an energy vampire. They speak so softly that you have to strain to hear them, and that's how they get your attention.

Once they have it, you begin to realise that they're always melancholy and there's always something wrong.

You'll never see a Grey Mouse laughing hard or smiling sincerely because they're far too miserable for that.

And soon, you'll feel equally miserable when you're with them, as you begin to attune to their wavelength and they attack your aura.

The Chatterbox

This is the person who never stops talking. They chat away about anything and everything; but it's not a conversation because they aren't talking to you, they're talking at you.

They ignore the fact that you're only listening out of politeness, and talk at length about people you've never met. Unsurprisingly, you soon become drained.

When the Chatterbox calls, you don't know how to end the conversation as they keep thinking of new things to say. If you meet them in the street, you feel trapped and don't know how to get away from them.

The Firework

Stand well back! Whenever you're around this person, it's like walking a tightrope because they could lose their temper at any moment.

They're so quick to ignite that you feel scared when you're with them and make yourself smaller inside, so you won't provoke them. If they have a complaint, they'll want to take it to the highest authority.

They'll push you out of your comfort zone, making you react fearfully and be submissive.

Look But Don't Touch

Here's someone who makes sure their appearance is always provocative, whether it's short skirts and low-cut tops, or masses of make-up. They feed off the attention and are looking for a reaction — good or bad.

Look But Don't Touch can be incredibly beautiful or handsome and sexy — but they give you a very small amount in return for taking a lot.

A wall of protection

We can't always avoid these people but we can learn how to protect ourselves. Practise this exercise to block negative energy from your personal space.

If you're with someone who provokes or energetically attacks you, imagine a wall between the two of you, the side facing the other person covered with a mirror, so they can only see their own reflection. Any negative energy projected by them will therefore be reflected back to them, instead of reaching you.

  • Adapted from Energy Rules by Alla Svirinskaya (Hay House, £14.99). © Alla Svirinskaya 2023. To order a copy for £13.49 (offer valid to July 24, 2023, UK p&p free on orders over £25) go to or call 020 3176 2937.
