How old is Adyashanti? When is Adyashanti's birthday? Where is Adyashanti born? Where did Adyashanti grow up from? What's Adyashanti's age?
Adyashanti Born: October 26, 1962 (age 60years), Cupertino, California, United States
Is Adyashanti married? When did Adyashanti get married? Who's Adyashanti's married to? (Who's Adyashanti's husband / wife)?
Adyashanti Spouse: Mukti Gray
How about Adyashanti's parents?
Adyashanti Parents: Larry Gray
What does Adyashanti believe?
Enlightenment is very ordinary; it is nothing special. Rather than making you more special, it is going to make you less special. It plants you right in the center of a wonderful humility and innocence.
Who is Arvis Adyashanti's teacher?
Enlightenment is very ordinary; it is nothing special. Rather than making you more special, it is going to make you less special. It plants you right in the center of a wonderful humility and innocence.
Who is Mukti Adyashanti?
Enlightenment is very ordinary; it is nothing special. Rather than making you more special, it is going to make you less special. It plants you right in the center of a wonderful humility and innocence.
What is Enlightenment Adyashanti?
Enlightenment is very ordinary; it is nothing special. Rather than making you more special, it is going to make you less special. It plants you right in the center of a wonderful humility and innocence.