Star witness in father's trial for mother's murder speaks

A 12-year-old boy leans towards the microphone in the witness stand, his face perfectly composed under his youthful 1980s haircut, his sweater and collared shirt neatly arranged. The courtroom and the entire town of Mansfield, Ohio are transfixed; this boy, Collier, is giving critical evidence in the murder trial of his mother, who was found dead, encased in concrete with a plastic bag over her head, under the basement floor of his father’s new home.

Collier awoke at about 3.15am on the night of the murder, he articulately tells the court. He heard a scream and a loud thump. He heard footsteps at his bedroom door and felt a force urging him, for his own safety, not to look up, to stay in his bed.

The person outside his bedroom on that night in 1989 was his father, physician John Boyle, he says. And Collier’s testimony would be instrumental in sending Boyle to prison with a sentence of 20 years to life for aggravated murder and 18 months for abuse of a corpse.

It is with this courtroom scene that a new documentary, A Murder in Mansfield, begins; but this is only the start of Collier’s story. He not only lost his mother but faced a series of setbacks and rejections, only to eventually find a loving adopted family and grow up to become a Los Angeles-based cinematographer.

And now, with another group of filmmakers, he is telling his story. A Murder in Mansfield has its world premiere this weekend at the DOC NYC film festival.

John Boyle was convicted in the 1989 murder of his wife; Noreen; a documentary premiering this weekend follows the journey of his son, Collier, who was the key witness in the trial - and confronts still-imprisoned Boyle nearly 30 years later for answers

John Boyle was convicted in the 1989 murder of his wife; Noreen; a documentary premiering this weekend follows the journey of his son, Collier, who was the key witness in the trial - and confronts still-imprisoned Boyle nearly 30 years later for answers

Boyle and his infant son, Collier, walk down the beach in the early 1980s; Collier explains how their picture-perfect life was a sham and his womanizing father was cruel

Boyle and his infant son, Collier, walk down the beach in the early 1980s; Collier explains how their picture-perfect life was a sham and his womanizing father was cruel

Boyle and his wife, Noreen, were high school sweethearts who were married for more than 20 years before she filed for divorce in November 1989; he killed her the following month

Boyle and his wife, Noreen, were high school sweethearts who were married for more than 20 years before she filed for divorce in November 1989; he killed her the following month

Noreen Boyle was especially close with her son, Collier; he told the court that he heard an argument and a thump on the night Boyle is believed to have killed her. Her body was found under the basement of the new home her husband had purchased, where he planned to live with his mistress - who gave birth to his baby while Noreen was missing 

Noreen Boyle was especially close with her son, Collier; he told the court that he heard an argument and a thump on the night Boyle is believed to have killed her. Her body was found under the basement of the new home her husband had purchased, where he planned to live with his mistress - who gave birth to his baby while Noreen was missing 

Collier, now 39, lives in Los Angeles and works in film; he decided to make the documentary to help other people and to honor his mother with his story of resilience

Collier, now 39, lives in Los Angeles and works in film; he decided to make the documentary to help other people and to honor his mother with his story of resilience

‘The best way that I know to honor her memory was to move on and do the best I can in life, I think do something with this on my own terms … and make something that’s really good,’ Collier, now 39, tells ‘That is the best justice I can get my mother – if this helps one person.’

The documentary is an incredible story of resilience, on the part of Collier, as well as an in-depth look at the crime and the search for truth and answers – which he never verbally gets from his father during a visit to the prison, though the convicted killer’s behavior may tell another story. It’s a compelling re-telling of a murder which riveted Mansfield with its salacious details and the star witness child.

Collier’s parents, Noreen and John, were high school sweethearts. Boyle had a successful medical practice and was highly popular with patients, and Noreen was always impeccably turned out. The family lived in a well-off part of town with Collier and their adopted daughter, Elizabeth, eight years younger than their son. They all seemed to have the picture-perfect life; good-looking and successful, always smiling.

But Boyle had a not-so-secret wandering eye, and, after more than 20 years of marriage, Noreen filed for divorce in November 1989, citing extreme mental cruelty and gross neglect. At the time, Boyle’s mistress was pregnant with his child, and he was planning to move in with her to a house in Erie, Pennsylvania. The realtor in that transaction gave damning evidence at his subsequent trial; Boyle had bizarrely asked her about the basement floor.

Following Noreen’s disappearance on New Year’s Eve 1989, Boyle insisted he had nothing to do with it. He first told Collier she had gone on a little vacation. But given the evidence his son told police about what he had heard – and a statement from 3-year-old Elizabeth that ‘Daddy put Mommy on the floor and wrapped her up like a snowman’ – police obtained a search warrant for Boyle’s new home. They found Noreen’s body on January 25, 1990; she’d been hit in the head, suffocated, and buried under the basement floor. In the meantime, Boyle’s mistress had given birth to a baby daughter.

The trial was a circus in small-town Mansfield; people lined up outside to get a seat, it was covered nightly on the local television station, and the newspaper published a special edition after he was convicted. As Boyle was sent to prison, Collier’s life was in chaos.

‘For Collier, going through this with his mother and father, he also had a lot of rejection from both sides of his family,’ documentary director Barbara Kopple tells ‘His father’s family probably felt that he betrayed them, and they didn’t want to adopt him or have him live with them, and the mother’s family probably had some trouble embracing a murderer’s son – in a way, a sense of further rejection.’

One foster family chose to adopt Elizabeth but not Collier; he lived for a time with lead investigator Dave Messmore and his wife, but a judge ruled he couldn’t stay with them. Eventually he went to the home of George and Susan Zeigler, who lovingly adopted him.

‘That turned out to be a good thing … but so much rejection for such a young man,’ Ms Kopple says. ‘How Collier is, who has so much strength and is so open, it’s simply amazing to me.’

Collier says: ‘When you grow up in a small town like Mansfield, it’s a big deal – and my father had such a great rapport with patients, that you had half of them in disbelief.

The trial was a circus in small-town Mansfield; people lined up outside to get a seat, it was covered nightly on the local television station, and the newspaper published a special edition after was convicted

The trial was a circus in small-town Mansfield; people lined up outside to get a seat, it was covered nightly on the local television station, and the newspaper published a special edition after was convicted

Collier provided huge amounts of material for the documentary, from family photos to letters, and the film includes everyone from his adoptive parents to his mother's best friend

Collier provided huge amounts of material for the documentary, from family photos to letters, and the film includes everyone from his adoptive parents to his mother's best friend

Collier says the Zeiglers were incredibly supportive and he has always been open about the case and his experience with anyone who wanted to talk about it

Collier says the Zeiglers were incredibly supportive and he has always been open about the case and his experience with anyone who wanted to talk about it

Noreen Boyle is believed to have been murdered at this Mansfield home by her husband on New Year's Eve 1989, while both of her children were in the house

Noreen Boyle is believed to have been murdered at this Mansfield home by her husband on New Year's Eve 1989, while both of her children were in the house

Boyle maintained his innocence for years but admitted involvement in his wife's killing when he was up for parole - which he was denied - in 2010; he implored his son to lobby on behalf of his release, which Collier did - 'wanting to be a good son and wanting desperately to move on'

Boyle maintained his innocence for years but admitted involvement in his wife's killing when he was up for parole - which he was denied - in 2010; he implored his son to lobby on behalf of his release, which Collier did - 'wanting to be a good son and wanting desperately to move on'

‘So I would get people that would come up and approach me randomly at the Walmart … I’m really open. I always talked about this with everyone growing up – like if somebody came up to me in the grocery store wanting to talk about it, I would talk about it. A.) I could tell them how I feel and show them who I really am, and B.) I could learn about them and see how this affected them.

‘The whole purpose of doing this project in the first place, I’ve always been real into that, from a very empathetic way; I believe that I can relate to them. It also affected my community.’

While everyone in Mansfield knew about the case and knew who Collier was, however, it was a completely different situation when he moved to Los Angeles.

‘People come from all walks of life, so you really don’t know people’s stories,’ he says. ‘I always got this thing that people would look at me and would go, this kid looks like he comes from a great family and has this great life story … you get labelled easily. He’s probably a silver spoon kid from a rich family.

‘I never found it difficult to share my story; some people didn’t know. When I posted on Facebook the film was coming out and shared that, loads of peopled that I’ve worked with professional for five or six years, they had no idea.’

The documentary, however, offers a new and very personal glimpse into Collier’s life, before and after the murder. It depicts his father’s cruelty in even further detail than Collier shared at the trial, when he told how his father used to throw things at him and make him call himself a fat boy; in the film, Noreen’s best friend reminds Collier how Boyle threw the family dog across the room and against the wall.

But one of the most shocking and sad aspects of the film is the excerpts of letters shared between father and son following Boyle’s imprisonment.

‘That was one of the more painful things about this project,’ Collier admits.


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He wrote to Boyle, as Collier got older in his teens, saying that he loved and forgave him and hoped he would come to terms with the crime he had committed. But the response was vitriolic.

‘I shall make no further comment upon the mediocre grammar,’ his father wrote.

‘Your poisonous communication is more aptly the product of some nearby cesspool.’ ‘You are imbued with hate.’ ‘You unctuous brat! You shameful coward!’ ‘You are truly evil.’ ‘Therefore we no longer consider you a member of our family.’

Collier says in the film: ‘I wrote him again after that letter asking him again to admit his guilt. He returned it, wrote “refused” on the envelope, and we haven’t talked about it since.’

He tells ‘My adoptive parents would be a buffer; they would always open these letters before giving them to me or they’d sometimes sit and read them with me and explain, okay, you know what this is? This is manipulation, these things your father are saying.’

Collier says his relationship with his father has always been 'surface;' his father refuses to admit on camera that he deliberately killed his wife

Collier says his relationship with his father has always been 'surface;' his father refuses to admit on camera that he deliberately killed his wife

While the Boyle family looked picture-perfect from the outside, the marriage was unhappy, Boyle was cruel and Noreen's friend reminds Collier in the film how his father threw the family dog across the room

While the Boyle family looked picture-perfect from the outside, the marriage was unhappy, Boyle was cruel and Noreen's friend reminds Collier in the film how his father threw the family dog across the room

Collier's adopted sister, Elizabeth, was three years old at the time of the crime; she was taken in to another family, who changed her name, and the pair haven't spoken since; he contacted her for the documentary but she did not respond

Collier's adopted sister, Elizabeth, was three years old at the time of the crime; she was taken in to another family, who changed her name, and the pair haven't spoken since; he contacted her for the documentary but she did not respond

Collier wrote to his father in prison saying that he forgave him, loved him and hoped he would come to terms with what he had done - only to receive a vicious and insulting response calling him 'evil' and an 'unctuous brat'

Collier wrote to his father in prison saying that he forgave him, loved him and hoped he would come to terms with what he had done - only to receive a vicious and insulting response calling him 'evil' and an 'unctuous brat'

Director Barbara Kopple says Collier's father is manipulative but comes across as charming

Director Barbara Kopple says Collier's father is manipulative but comes across as charming

Despite his father’ brutal words and the fractious relationship, however, the two did keep in touch; ‘My relationship with my father has always been very surface,’ Collier says.

Before his father’s parole hearing in 2010, however, Boyle became very solicitous – asking Collier to intervene on his behalf. He sent samples of what he wanted his son to lobby for his release – stating ‘You must be convincing, so do a great job.’

‘He always made sure to tell me how proud he was of me and that he loved me,’ Collier says in the film.

‘He’s very charming and everything, but you can just feel that manipulation of, you know, what he wants Collier to do,’ director Kopple tells ‘He’ll be good to Collier when he wants something from him, and he won’t when he doesn’t need him.’

Collier, ‘wanting to be a good son and wanting desperately to move on,’ obliged and supported his father’s parole. But the board still denied it.

The prisoner also, incredibly, wrote to the parole board: ‘I have committed a great wrong. I am personally accountable and personally responsible for the death of my wife Noreen, and her burial.’ He told Collier finally that the couple had gotten into an argument, he pushed Noreen and then blacked out, and when he woke up, she was dead.

‘This is the first time, to my knowledge, that my father admitted to being involved in any way,’ Collier says.

At the time, Collier didn’t fully accept that, but he didn’t push it – though the answer isn’t good enough for him, and he is determined in the film to finally confront his father and demand answers and the full story. He admits, however, that his father is a sociopath and it’s very likely he won’t get the information he wants.

Collier fully retraces his past in the documentary, returning to Mansfield and meeting with everyone from the Messmores and the Zeiglers to his former principal – and attempting to contact Elizabeth, now living under a different name, to whom he has not spoken since she was three years old. She never responds.

For the first time, he musters the courage to view the graphic crime scene photos taken after his mother’s discovery. He lays bare his hopes and fears, and it’s an emotional journey – all leading up to the moment he visits the prison to truly press his father, in person, for the truth about his mother’s death.

Boyle, predictably, is evasive; his stories don’t ring true and every statements seems to lack sincerity. Collier leaves, unsatisfied. But he and Kopple agree that, when you see Boyle and his behavior, ‘you know what the truth is.’

‘We’re not in a “gotcha” – that was not what we wanted,’ Collier tells

‘If it can help people and do some good, that is justice for my mother – not an admission of guilt from my father, not any of that. That’s superficial. To do some good, that’s real justice.’

Kpple adds: ‘I just wanted to be able to tell a real story and really see who Collier was and see who his father was and get deeply under the surface of all of this … and it just went far beyond my wildest dreams of what this dramatic story is.

‘It was just such an amazing, beautiful, haunting, sad but also very joyous film to make because of who Collier is and … it’s about human resilience.’ 
