My wife broke up with me because she caught me watching porn

DEAR DEIDRE: MY wife has thrown me out of our house for watching porn.

I’ve told her I’m sorry and begged her to take me back but she refuses.

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I’m 37 and she’s 35. We have three young kids together.

A couple of years ago, she found images on my phone and threatened to chuck me out if I didn’t stop.

She hates porn and says it makes her feel insecure.

I promised not to do it again but every bloke I know watches porn or looks at naughty pics.

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All I did on this occasion was click on a website.

She says I’ve hurt her and can’t be trusted, so we have no future. She wants time alone.

Most read in Dear Deidre

DEIDRE SAYS: You might feel she has made a rash decision but in her view you have broken your promise and the trust between you.

This is a dealbreaker for her.

Give her the time and space she has asked for. Then ask if you can work on your relationship together and try to rebuild the trust.


You will both need to agree on your boundaries. In the meantime, my support pack called Upset By Pornography should help you to understand her feelings.

Give couples’ counselling a try. You can find out more at (020 7380 1960).
